Aussie Firebug

Financial Independence Retire Early

I share these net worth updates to stay accountable, seek feedback on our strategy, and prove that achieving financial independence in Australia is feasible without relying on extraordinary luck or wealth. The table below tracks our journey from $36K in debt to reaching our goals. 🔥

First off, I’ve made a quick update to fix the scrolling issue some of you mentioned with the net worth section at the bottom of these updates. Hopefully, it’s sorted now! Let me know in the comments if it’s working 🙏 


Winner winner chicken dinner 🐔

Our Co-working space took home the ‘New Business’ award at the Gippsland Business Awards night in August.

To be honest, the whole thing was mostly fluff and doesn’t hold much significance. We nominated ourselves, and I suspect most of the other businesses probably did the same!

Even though the awards are mostly just patting yourself on the back, it’s a great chance for the team to take a step back and really appreciate what we’ve pulled off.

A year ago, this was just a dream. Now we’ve got a fully operational co-working space with 23 seats, 2 meeting rooms, a private office, and over 12 members on monthly subs!

It’s easy to just keep grinding and forget to step back and think, “Wow, we’ve actually done a fair bit here!”.

I guess the same could be said about some people’s FIRE journey. Many people will grind for years, saving and investing, focused on reaching the finish line. They don’t realise they’re building freedom along the way and could probably start enjoying a better lifestyle sooner, rather than waiting until they hit their FI number.


Net Worth Update

The Data business continues to cash some big invoices, which pushed our NW to new highs in August.

Shares, Super, and BTC took a hit in August.

On the upside, we got an unexpected $8K boost in Super from Mrs FB’s account. She’s been on mat leave for the past year with no Super coming in, so I’m guessing this is some sort of big contribution from her employer. Anyone else ever had something like this happen during mat leave?


*Expenses include everything we spend money on to maintain our lifestyle. We do not include paying down our PPoR loan as an expense, only the interest
*Investment income is simply 4% of our FIRE portfolio divided by 12




The above graph was created by Sharesight

Not a great month for our shares portfolio, and BTC was even worse!

Question: Why do we have A200 & VAS?
We started buying A200 in August 2018 after Vanguard didn’t lower their MER to match A200. Practically speaking, A200 and VAS are almost identical so it makes sense to go with the lower MER. As an added benefit, I like the fund diversification between Vanguard and Betashares. We decided to hold both after making the switch since it doesn’t have any impact other than some extra accounting work once a year. 



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